About Chiropractic


chiropractor in St. James


What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is an all-natural, low risk and low side effect treatment option for those suffering from lower back pain, herniated discs, headaches, joint pain, neck pain and many other debilitating conditions.


Who can become a chiropractor?

There are four national board exams that an aspiring chiropractor must take, along with a minimum of 4,200 hours of clinical, lab and classroom work. A chiropractor must also attend a four-year graduate doctoral program at a nationally accredited school. Dr. Semente is a licensed chiropractor in St. James who holds a membership with the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), American Chiropractic Association on Diagnostic Imaging among many others.


Are chiropractic methods clinically effective?

Yes! In fact, with the surge in prescription pain medication abuse, chiropractic is suggested as the first line of treatment for many people especially those with back pain and spine disorders. Methods that chiropractors use such as spinal adjustments and spinal decompression therapy are low risk and drug-free options that should be utilized before considering surgical treatments which are much riskier. For a chiropractor in St. James that provides services such as manual adjustments and spinal decompression therapy, contact us here.


How do chiropractic adjustments work?

A chiropractor can use many different methods to treat certain conditions. Sometimes an instrument is used, and other times the chiropractor just uses his or her hands to manually adjust the spine. When the spine is adjusted and put back in its optimal positioning, symptoms such as inflammation and pain are often relieved.  


Are spinal adjustments painful? Are they safe?

Pain is rarely associated with chiropractic treatment. If soreness is experienced, it generally resolves itself within 24 hours following a chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Semente is an experienced chiropractor in St. James that provides spinal adjustments as an extremely low risk, drug-free and non-invasive treatment option for many people. As of 2017, the American College of Physicians recommends using drug-free treatments such as spinal manipulation first for low back pain.