Acupuncture Treatment for Your Allergies
Have you been battling allergies? Well, acupuncture may be the right solution for you! The Chinese medical practice of acupuncture has been used for years to treat a wide range of health problems, including allergies. Not only does it help to immediately treat symptoms of allergies such as puffy eyes and sneezing, but it helps to promote less-pronounced symptoms in the months to come. If you have been suffering from seasonal allergies and are looking for some relief, contact Dr. Semente for the best acupuncture in St. James.
What are allergies?
Allergies are essentially an immune response to a foreign substance that is not typically dangerous to the human body. These foreign substances are commonly referred to as allergens. Allergens can be present in various foods, pet dander, plants, or pollen. Those who suffer from allergies means that their body is perceiving these foreign substances as harmful to the body. As a response, the immune system will kick into gear and attack the allergens. This will then cause various symptoms to occur.
What are the common signs and symptoms?
The signs and symptoms an individual may be experiencing are all relative to the type of allergy they have and the severity of it. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies include:
- Watery eyes
- Itchy or burning eyes
- Running nose
- Coughing
How acupuncture can help treat them?
The effects acupuncture has on allergies has been tested in multiple different studies and the results have all been consistent. It has shown that it does, indeed, provide relief of allergy symptoms. Those who have taken to acupuncture for allergy relief have reported experiencing fewer symptoms such as coughing and sneezing post-treatment and even in the months following.
Acupuncture in St. James
If you are tired of dealing with your seasonal allergy symptoms and are looking for some relief, try out our acupuncture in St. James with Dr. Semente. Our well-qualified acupuncturist is experienced in treating patients with a wide range of health issues including allergies. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and see for yourself how acupuncture can give you the relief you’ve been searching for.