What are Chiropractic adjustments?

Chiropractor in Smithtown

If you have seen a chiropractor for any back or spine problems, you know that it can be a hands-on process. A chiropractor will often use chiropractic adjustments, or spinal adjustments, to help treat you. Chiropractic adjustments are when a chiropractor applies sudden and controlled pressure to different parts of your spine to realign it, increase mobility, and regain movement and function. Chiropractic adjustments offer a lot of benefits, especially if you have been dealing with spinal issues. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Smithtown to help you with your back pains and issues, contact us a Chiropractor in Smithtown and see how we can help.


Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are mostly used to help relieve pain, fix bad posture issues, or increase mobility. However, Chiropractic can offer many other benefits you may not know about. If you want to meet with a chiropractor in Smithtown to see how chiropractic care can help you, reach out to Dr. Raymond Semente and learn more! Some of these benefits include:

    • Improved Joint Health– Adjustments can loosen tight muscles and provide strength to weaker ones. They can also help work against the degeneration of joint and connective tissues. 
    • Improves Circulation- By returning your body to more normal positions, your blood flow and circulation can be improved. This had the added benefit of speeding up recovery in your body.
    • Treats Pain- Chiropractic adjustments can help manage back pain and neck pain. By readjusting your spine your body will have less pinched nerves, normal disc, and spine posture and function, and increased flow within your spine and nervous system. By restoring things to a healthy position, pain in many areas can be treated and reduced.
    • Helps treat Sciatica- Sciatica is caused by your sciatic nerve in your lower back. Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce pain and treat what is causing this nerve to experience the stress causing your Sciatica. 
    • Helps treat many spine and nerve-related problems- Many conditions caused by issues from the spine and nervous system can be treated or improved with chiropractic adjustments. Some of these conditions include Frozen shoulder, Cervicogenic headaches, herniated discs, and Subluxation.


Chiropractic adjustments can be used to help with all kinds of issues and conditions, from spine complications to pain anywhere in the body if it stems from your nervous system. To speak with a chiropractor in Smithtown and see how you can benefit from chiropractic, contact us at Dr. Raymond Semente today!

